Cpntoh application letter adalah surat yang ditulis untuk melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan dalam bahasa inggris.

Membuat application letter memang lebih sulit, apalagi kalau kita belum terlalu fasih berbahasa asing.

Namun, hanya karena tidak bisa, bukan berarti kamu harus mengurungkan niat mendaftarkan diri pada sebuah instansi internasional.

Berikut tips, struktur dan kumpulan contoh aplication letter.

Tips membuat Application Letter yang baik dan benar

Sebelum kita mengintip contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris, ada beberapa unsur yang wajib kamu pelajari terlebih dahulu.

Berikut adalah cara membuat surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar.

1. Pilih contoh surat lamaran kerja yang singkat padat dan jelas

Apabila kamu memulai dengan sebuah contoh, pastikan surat lamaran berisi informasi singkat, padat dan jelas. Beberapa unsur yang harus dicantumkan seperti:

  • Nama lengkap
  • Usia
  • Posisi pekerjaan yang hendak dilamar
  • Keterampilan
  • Pengalaman kerja

Unsur-unsur di atas akan membedakanmu dari pelamar kerja lainnya. Apalagi kalau disusun dengan kata-kata indah, dijamin lansung dilirik hrd.

2. Memperhatikan grammar

Seperti yang sudah kita tahu, bahasa inggris memiliki tata bahasa yang berbeda dengan bahasa indonesia. Kamu harus menggunakan tata bahasa yang benar.

Beberapa situs pemeriksa grammar secara gratis yang dapat membantumu mengoreksi surat lamaran kerja secara otomatis. Adapun, situs yang dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Grammaly
  • Becorrect
  • Grammar check
  • Scribens
  • Reverse
  • Language tool
  • Grammarix
  • Pro writingaid
  • White smoke
  • Ginger online
  • Spellcheckplus pro
  • Slick write
  • Online correction

Contoh Application Letter

1. Contoh application letter untuk hotel

Jakarta, july 6, 2020
Mr. Evans
Head of human resource division
Pt. Star lab
Jl. Sudirman no.564
Jakarta, 12046

Dear mr. Evans,

Based on the advertising on glints, posted on june 28, 2020 about the job as receptionist in your hotetl, i would line to volunteer to fill the position.

I have completed my undergraduate program in the field of telecommunication and tourism at telkom university bandung, and i believe i have the perfect skills required for the job.

I am 25 years old and had wotking as a receptionist for 3 years at parahyangan hotel. I can speak 3 foreign language including english and chinese. In addition, i am well adapted to operate any kinds of gadgets in a hotel.

For your consideration, i have attached a curriculum vitae. I am looking forward to the interview so i can explain my skills and abilities in person with you.

Best regards,

Amaya sadita

2. Contoh application letter bagian keuangan

August 21, 2020
Head of hrd
Pt semesta ala,

With respect,

Based on information i received from pt semesta alam has a job opening as finance staff. In connection with that, i would like to apply for said position.

Here is my bried biography:

Name                          : surya palare
Gender                        : male
Date of birth                : medan, 06 may 1991
Educaation                  : s1 economy
Phone number            :083527846665
Email                           : [email protected]

I can speak english both oral and verbal. I also have the skill to operate software for the office that i believe would assist in the work.

For you consideration, i have also attached multiples such as:

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. Copy of transcript
  3. Photocopy of diploma
  4. Lates 3×4 photography
  5. Id government copy

I hope i can get the chance to follow the next test so i can talk about my abilities and skilla in person with you. Thank you for the attention.

Best regards,

Surya palarea

3. Contoh application letter untuk akuntan

July 21, 2020
Siska feriska
Head of hrd
Pt mentari kuningan
Jl. Kuningan no. 34

Dear ms. Siska,

This letter is written in reference to the job posting of staff accountant, and i am please to send you my appliacation and resume. I was very glas to know about the job opening, as i had worker as an a accountant for 3 years before.

I completed my bachelor degree in accounting from indonesia university, and i also have a c.p.a. i worked with luthor corp and had successfully handled the accounting books and financial record for more than 100 different public sector municipalities.

As you know from my resume, i had also played a large number of key roles in the position of staff accountant, and i would love to work with the same energy with you in the future.

I would really appreciate it if you could recognize a meeting as your convenience. You can reach me throught my emai at [email protected] or call me at 081320638846.

Thank you for devoting your most valuable time to read my resume and job application. I wish you a very wonderful day.

Best regards,

Bayu laksamana

4. Contoh application letter untuk posisi sekretaris.

August 9, 2020
Hr department
Head office of bank mandiri indonesi
Jl. Telaga no. 45

Dear sir or madam,

I am writing to you to ask about possibility of working in your company that is informed by your website. I am interested in a position as a secretary.

My name is puji tyas ningsih and i am 25 years old. I have a background in diploma iii computer accounting at polytechnic medan. With y education background, i am confident that my qualifications and skills can contribute significantly to bank mandiri. I am capable of operating various computer software, including microsoft office packages and myob.

In addition to that, i am a hardworking persons who can work independentlt ir in a team. I can also take the initiative ande very eager to lean under anyone;s guidance.

I have attached my resume along with this letter. I hope you can give me the chance to go through an interview so i can chat with you in person very soon. Thank you for your valuable time.

Best regards,

Puji tyas ningsih.

5. Contoh cover letter dan artinya

contoh application letter


contoh application letter

Contoh cover letter bahasa inggris

  1. Contoh 1

Contoh 2

Sekian dulu referensi untuk pembuatan application letter. Terimakasih sudah membaca.

Semoga dapat mempermudah kamu dalam menulis application letter dan memperoleh pekerjaan yang diinginkan. Sampai jumpa di pembahasan selanjutnya.

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